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    The Representatives of The Best Volunteers

    Update:2014-09-01 14:36:35Views:16968 Font:T|T
          Every work in YMCA depends on the support and participation from volunteers, taking the chance of celebration our 100th aniversary, we issued certificates to 100 volunteers’ delegation, and invited top 10 of them as the representatives to the stage to received the rewards from the hands of their service objects. The top 10 volunteers as follows:

    1.     The eldest one, Zhang Ruying 87 years old, keywords: get involved in translation.

    2.     The youngest, Chen Beibei, 9, keywords: grade 4 in Youfuxijie Primary School, mobilizing his classmates to collect the shoebox gifts to help the orphans.

    3.     The farthest, Randi Louise Rasmussen, keywords: educational psychologist from Norway came to China many times to share her experience and expertise in special education.

    4.     The Most Clinging, Feng Zhaorong, keywords: the former associate general secretary of HK YMCA, being a professional volunteer for decade after his retirement.

    5.     The most respected, Yin Dongping, keywords: specialist of nephrology in Dongda Hospital, involved into free medical care many times.

    6.     The most committed, Wu Jianguo, keywords: a retired person from Lixin County, Anhui Province, knows every aspect of each orphan we supported.

    7.     The most professional one, Chen Yaming, keywords: professor of stomatology of Nanjing Medicine University, initiating the free dental service to the poverished seniors.

    8.     The most multi-functioned, Hong Bihua, keywords: retired doctor, being played as a grandma in charity house, and financially assisted YMCA’s choir, and get involved into free medical service and help the mentally disabled.

    9.     The Busiest one, Isobel Stubbs, keywords: housewife, to be a volunteer as long as she is available, working in the library of British School, getting involved into English Salon in YMCA; collect clothing and books for the orphans, and organizing the teachers and students to donate shoebox gifts.

    10.The most amiable, Huang Xiaohu, keywords: civil servant in-service, devotes himself into helping the disabled, the service objects call him “Daddy Huang”

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