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Social Worker from Singapore to Give Instructions on Cien Elder Home
Update:2014-08-14 14:45:23 Author:admin Views:10165 [Font:Big Middle Small]

Recommended by archbishop Zhou Xianzheng from protestant Episcopal church inSingapore, Mr. Zeng Huazhong, a senior social worker fromSingaporecame to visited NJYMCA from Spt.5 to 7th, 2013.  Mr. Zeng made this special trip to china is to give advice to YMCA how to run the elderly home while the home was decorating.

President Li Enlin and associate general secretary Zhao Dongshu and managing director Hang Shaning received him when Mr. Zeng arrived to Nanjing.

On Sept. 6th, the guest fromSingaporeaccompanied by Li and Hang, visited Home of Grace and the elderly home, warmly received by division chief, Zhou Xinhua from social welfare dept of Nanjing Civil Affairs Bureau and president Mo Ruqing of Dianjiangtai Welfare House. Both parties shared with each other the situation about serving the elderly inNanjingand inSingapore.

In the afternoon, a meeting was held at the activity room in the elderly home. During the meeting, Hang Shaning made an introduction about the basic situation of Cien Elderly home:  there are 112 beds, planned to have 30-35 staff, the ratio of working staff and the elder is 1:3; nursing assistant to the elderly is 1:7, charging standard is about 2000 RMB per month. Mr. Zeng suggested as following:

First: to hire professional nurses who will be in charge of daily medication for the elderly; and the staff shall know emergent rescuing skills, and wearing the clothes easy to work; recruit a team of volunteers.

Second: to arrange nutrition meals daily; carry out recreational and sport activities, such as lectures on current affairs and health, medical exam regularly, study cooking and music, etc.

Third: to increase the capacity and quantity of the washing machine, repair the facilities on time.

Forth: to improve the sanitary condition, maintain clean and clear to prevent the infectious diseases caused by the mosquitoes; dispose the garbage on each floor.

Fifth: the best is to have a vehicle for going out for the staff and the elderly.

Sixth: can have some small animals to reduce the feeling of loneliness of the elderly.

Seventh: separate an isolation ward to avoid cross transmission of diseases among the elderly people who are living at the home.

At the end of meeting, on behalf of all staff, president Li gave thanks to Mr. Zeng for

providing wonderful and professional suggestions on running the elderly home.

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