The International Association of Y's Men's Clubs
Founded in Toledo, Ohio, USA in 1922 to support a local YMCA, Y's Men International is now oriented to serving the worldwide YMCA, the largest non-governmental youth organisation, and through it the communities in which it is present throughout the world.
Since the YMCA is usually known as "the Y" in theUSA, and as the Y's Men movement started there as a club of "men of and for the Y", it was named the "Y's Men's Club".
Judge Paul William Alexander was the founder of the first club together with a group of other young men.
The meaning of the logo:
The word “International” on the triangle, it represents Y’s Men Club is an international organization, the members are located in everywhere of the world. A shining star inside of the triangle, it symbolizes the star ofBethlehem. 2000 years before, it guided three wise men from the east to find where Christ child were, the salvation to all who believe in him. This star represents the idea of Y’s Men Club, single light of one club will bring the members to the realm of selfless, so that by the teaching of Jesus Christ to build a wonderful society with justice, love and peace.
The mission of Y’s Men Club:
The International Association of Y's Men's Clubs is a worldwide fellowship of persons of all faiths working together in mutual respect and affection, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, and with a common loyalty to the Young Men's Christian Association striving through active service to develop, encourage and provide leadership to build a better world for all mankind.
The Motto of Y’s Men Club:
The objectives of all affiliating clubs are:
A. To primarily be service clubs of the YMCA, by personal service and united effort.
B. To support other worthy organizations.
C. To encourage justice in civic and international affairs, abstaining always from party politics.
D. To keep members informed, and actively in religious, civic, economic, social and international matters.
E. To cultivate good fellowship.
The objectives of the Association are:
A. To encourage, promote, and foster organization and maintain Y's Men's Clubs throughout the world.
B. To coordinate activities of all affiliating clubs and provide training materials and personal leadership development.
The Y’s Men Club of Nanjing
one fellowship of volunteers serving Nanjing YMCA, based on the teaching of serving and dedication to work actively for the service conducted by YMCA, especially to serve the young people.