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义工招募 - 南京基督教青年会
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Volunteer Recruitment
Update:2012-08-22 14:36:07 Author:admin Views:7531 [Font:Big Middle Small]

Volunteers Recruiting

Nanjing YMCA is an international service organization based on the concept of universal love, and in accordance with “Not to be served, but to serve” and the aim is to serve the society and benefit the people, devoting to itself to promote overall development in Morality, intelligence, physical and social skills for the members, and offering multiple social service to the public. We need volunteers as follow:


1.  Be willing to devote yourself to social service, and acknowledge the core values and concept of YMCA, and intent to serve the disabled, the youth and the elderly.

2.  Be with team work spirit and innovation, hard-working, also can be independent to finish work, strong implementation, responsible.

3.  Good communication, be good at photography, or music, or art, or foreign languages, or medical service, or social service

Please call at 025-83232523 for more information

Recently, we need following volunteers urgently

1.  English Teacher, to teach the mental retarded students of Home of Grace, from 9:30-10:15 Am every Wednesday. Requirements: major in English, association degree above, good pronunciation, can interact with the students and with patience. Contact: Ms Sheng, Mobile: 13851465272.  Add: No. 4 Doucaiqiao,Huaqiao Road, Gulou District.Nanjing

2.  English translator: English bachelor degree or above, or English native speaker, be good at translating Chinese into English, volunteers can work at home, then send the translation back to us, contact: Ms Sheng, Mobile: 13851465272, Add: No. 66-9 Dajianyin Lane, Xinjiekou


      Click on this link to watch the song of YMCA http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTQ0NjA4OTY0.html


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